How is this different from dieting?

The Homemade Cooking Club isn’t a diet. You won’t be cutting carbs, counting points, tracking calories, or going hungry. You can even enjoy your favorite treats and desserts because nothing is off limits!

And because it isn’t a diet, you can easily maintain your results.

Studies show that 99% of dieters gain all the weight back within a year and over  41% gain more weight back than they originally lost. I’m sure you know how frustrating and disappointing it can be - that’s because dieting is a broken system! 

Instead, we will help you activate your Reset Response so you can heal your body, rather than deprive it of nutrients it needs to thrive.

You’ll be encouraged by your support network in our community and given all the guidance you need by our expert nutritionist and dietitian coaches. You’re not in this alone! 

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