Is this like Keto or Low Carb?

We don't actually support diets that are low in carbohydrates or are Keto. Instead, we assist our members in preparing and enjoying meals that contain healthy, complex carbohydrates and a balanced mix of nutrients from whole foods.

Research shows that these kinds of meals are beneficial for losing weight in a healthy, sustainable way and can also help in lowering high blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Depriving your body of entire foods groups, like carbs, can actually cause an increase in markers like high cholesterol from replacing carbohydrate fruits and veggies with too much meat or dairy or adding in processed healthy junk foods. It can also cause deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals that can only be found in these carbs.

In addition, including good carbs in your diet, which are rich in fiber, can make you feel full and satisfied. This way of eating is both fulfilling and nourishing, making it easier to stick to and maintain long-term results.

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